The UKCCF awards are sponsored by:
Welcome to the UKCCF National Awards Programme
The UKCCF awards are an established industry scheme designed to recognise excellence from across your business.
The awards provide an exciting opportunity to celebrate your achievements whether you are an individual, a team or as a company. There is nothing more exciting that hearing that you’ve not only progressed in your work but have also been recognised for it.
We have an panel of expert judges that have extensive experience within their fields. Our judges are led by chairmen who insure our values are adhered to throughout the awards process.
UKCCF has developed a unique, impartial awards that honour the unsung hero’s from within our contact centres.

UKCCF Contact Centre Awards 2024

1st March 2024
NOMINATIONS OPEN – All nomination forms can be downloaded from our website.
26th March
WEBINAR: Introduction to the UKCCF Awards Programme 2024.
Join UKCCF Awards Director Chantelle Newton to gain insight into the UKCCF Awards Programme. Chantelle will be joined by special guests:
Rhonda Holden and Pete Wakelan from M247.
M247 entered the awards for the first time in 2023 and walked away with 4 golds. Rhonda and Pete wil give you an insight into entering the awards and their experience of the process.
Tommy Weintraub from Zellis
Tommy was one of the judges from the 2023 awards programme. This was Tommy’s second year sitting as a judge and he will give advice on what the judges will be looking for, what to include in your nomination and how you should build your presentation should you be shortlisted in your category.
Steve Messenbird
Steve is an experienced UKCCF Judge and Chairman of Judges at the 2023 Awards Programme. Steve will be on hand to give his advice and answer any questions that you may have about any part of the awards process.
28th June
Best Contact Centre Workplace of the Year
Public Sector contact Centre of the Year
Small Contact Centre of the Year
Medium Contact Centre of the Year
Large Contact Centre of the Year
Nominations for these categories must be received by UKCCF by close of business on this date.
31st July
All nominations must be received by UKCCF by close of business on this date.
8th November
UKCCF Awards Gala Dinner
voco St John’s Hotel, Solihull
CLICK HERE for further information on the venue